I gots me a Favicon
Okay, so I got fed up with not having a favicon and made one. Now that I’m using Firebird as my weapon of choice, it becomes really noticeable when sites either do or do not have an icon, and it was bugging me that I fell into the ‘does not’ category. So now I have an icon. A finishing touch, if you will.
It’s been quite a while since I last had to convert a .gif to a .ico file, and couldn’t remember what software I last used. After a bit of searching around I found a free tool to do the job. I’m delighted to recommend Irfanview as the perfect get the hell on with it tool. No nonsense. Open, Save As, .ico, kthxbye.
As you may have noticed, I wasn’t brave enough to attempt a 256px armadillo. Maybe next time.
Drew McLellan