Milestones / Millstones
Today over at I announced that I would be removing my Dreamweaver extensions from the public domain. My reasoning is that a) many are too old to be useful and b) many are crap and buggy, and are a burden to support. A millstone around my neck, at times.
It’s not an easy decision to make, to be honest. I guess this is a little like the poem thing I was talking about last week. Although most of the extensions I have written are pretty rough, they are from a certain period in my life and hold many memories.
I remember writing a dreadful extension to make a text message follow your mouse pointer around the page. Bloody awful thing. It was hacked together by Al Sparber, Eddie Traversa and myself one evening. Al and Eddie got the script together, and I turned it into something that would work in Dreamweaver. I literally sat up all night hacking away at it, finally getting to bed just before dawn. No doubt I was late for work that day, too. Memories.
I’ve been away for a few days, hence the silence. Thanks for the emails.