Object, Echo, Tango
Mark Pilgrim’s article The Vanishing Image: XHTML 2 Migration Issues over at XML.com takes a thorough look at Internet Explorer’s implementation of the HTML object element. Whilst being interesting reading from an XHTML 2.0 point of view, it also makes excellent accompanying reading to my Flash Satay article at ALA. (Hat tip: James Ellis)
Also worth a mention is The Echo Project, which I’ve been following for the last 10 days or so. The purpose of the project is to explore defining a new content syndication, publishing and archiving format, independent of any particular vendor, for the free use of the community. The planning is all going down on Sam’s Wiki, and comments are invited from anyone who has a valuable contribution to make. It’s very interesting reading, and a worthwhile project to give support to.
Mike Jones at Footnote* Consulting has relaunched their site this week. If you’re a design or development outfit looking for some overflow capability, Footnote* offer a reliable, no-nonsense service that comes highly recommended.
The more mundane news of the day is that I resigned from my job. Whilst the prospect of moving on to something new is exciting, it’s a horrible task having to resign from a job. What a strange mix of emotions today has been. I’ve got something new and interesting lined up, which I’ll speak more about soon. New job = exciting. Resigning from old job = terrifying.