Greetings from Planet Cotton Wool
We’ve both come down with fairly nasty head colds, hence the brief absence. Here’s some stuff in brief that I’ve been meaning to talk about.
In two weeks of theatre, gigs and puke… Steve Lawson tells an amusing tale of an un-amusing incident involving projectile vomit and the M25. I spat beer the first time I read it. (The ‘puke’ bit starts paragraph 7).
Mark Pilgrim and Dave Winer go head to head in an argument about who left the toilet seat up, or something equally stupid.
Mike Jones thinks someone has been spamming his comments, although it’s possible all he’s witnessing are a couple of stupid school kids with too much time on their hands.
The Attorney General of the State of New York is investigating the impact of the business practices of Verisign on residents of the state. It’s about time someone stood up to the scoundrels. (Hat tip: Dean)
And still no updates to Textpattern (Wrist slap: Dean)