The Office
Oh heck, I’ve been passed an office so I’d better comply.
The first photo is my desk at work. The second, the complete mess that is currently my desk at home. Home is a real mess at the moment (too much work – no time to tidy!) so photos will have to wait for the moment.
At work my main machine is a G4 Powermac with an old skool TFT studio display. You can see some photos of the tunnel in which I work over on Flickr. It’s a nice office to work in (we’re in the arches of a Victorian railway viaduct), but they’re demolishing the office/shopping complex opposite at the moment so it can be a tad noisy. The demolition works are literally a few metres from our windows.
The Powerbook you see is the same Powerbook in the photo at work – it’s my personal primary computer. At home I hook it up to a 19” Iiyama CRT, which whilst bright isn’t particularly clear. I tend to code on the Powerbook’s TFT as its nice and crisp. I’ll replace the CRT with a nice big cinema display at some point soon, hopefully.
The Powerbook is a G4 1.25Ghz, which I just upgraded this week to 2Gb RAM. It’s a really nice machine for my needs. The extra memory enables me to have a whole bunch of browsers and stuff open alongside my coding tools, Fireworks and reference Words docs without any noticeable degradation in performance. Yay for that.
On my desk loiters a Shuttle XPC which currently runs Windows XP but hardly ever gets booted. Under the desk are a couple of Windows servers for ASP and SQL Server development, and a couple of Linux servers running Debian – for web development and domain control. Behind my desk is Rachel’s desk, which has all that stuff over again, give or take. Behind me is another desk with a Solaris box and a bunch of other misc boxes for this’n‘that. Plus a beer fridge. Once I tidy up I’ll take some photos. We’re doing well lately keeping the computer count down, and we managed to get rid of some when moved into their new offices.
And now for something completely different
I’m playing pass the parcel with:
- Ethan Marcotte
- Jeremy Keith
- and Dean Allen in a vague attempt to bring him out of hiding