CSS Anthology
Rachel’s got a new book out aimed at anyone who uses CSS on a daily basis to just get stuff done. The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks and Hacks answers a succession of those quick how do I …? questions that constantly crop up when working with CSS in a production environment.
The publishers, well respected web design and development resource site SitePoint say the following:
The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks’ is ideal for experienced Web designers who would like to add sparkle to their existing designs, as well as newcomers who want to learn Web design the right way the first time.
The book is written so that it can be read cover to cover, or referred to like a cookbook with 101 different recipies for your Website. It’s written in an easy-to-follow, consistent format that’s well illustrated with plenty of screenshots and code examples, providing quick visual cues. If you hate wading through dry academic-style texts, then the illustrations and examples throughout this book will suit you.
If you’re already familiar with CSS but you’d like to see some examples of great CSS design that really work in practice, this book will be a valuable addition to your desk.
If you don’t have experience with CSS you can try out the examples provided in the book and the downloadable code archive for yourself and add effects to your Website in no time.
I understand the book will be available on Amazon any day now, and is already available to buy direct from SitePoint. I hear they ship really fast.
Update: I should add that the book was technical edited by our very own Simon Willison. (Get well soon, Simon!)