Comments on Comments
Since upgrading the version of Textpattern that runs this site back in February, I’ve been utilizing a feature which places the current comment count at the end of the title in both my Atom and RSS fields. The idea of this feature is that it enables those who read this site via those feeds to see when new comments are added.
Since enabling the feature, I’ve had feedback from readers both positive and negative in nature. A couple of people have told me that they find it really useful, whereas others are finding it annoying that services they have monitoring my feeds are reporting new posts when none exist (just comments). Either way, the level of feedback I’ve received has prompted me to reevaluate the feature. As far as I can see, there are a number of options.
- Leave the feeds as they are and hope not too many people get pissed off by it
- Get all retro and forget the comment count all together
- Provide an alternative version of the feeds without the comment count – would make each camp happy, but would be more confusing when subscribing (which feed to chose?)
- Provide a separate feed of comments. This would have the advantage of being able to read all content via the feeds, but has the disadvantage of fragmenting the content across disparate feeds.
- Something else I haven’t thought of yet.
I’m leaning towards the fourth option – providing a separate comments feed. But do comments feeds really work? Do you subscribe to any? So, dear readers – especially those of you who read via Atom or RSS – I need your feedback. What’s a girl to do?