iSight and Housekeeping
I got an Apple iSight for my birthday yesterday, and I can confirm that it’s every bit as fancy-pants as they say. It appears to be working with iChat (although I’ve not found anyone to vidcon with yet!), and I’m about to go on the hunt for other iSight enabled tools that I can play with. It’s a lot of fun.
Along with a few updates to Textpattern, I’ve been doing some housekeeping around this site. Most of the basic framework hadn’t been updated since last March, so I though it about time I did some cleaning up. The permalink/comments pages now have a list of related articles so make browsing for similar stuff nice’n‘easy. I also added a “What is this?” paragraph to those pages to help all the people who find my site through Google and are a bit disorientated – it links to my new About page. Can you believe I never had an About page?
Also of interest, over at zlog Ronan launches a new discussion list for peeps who want to chat about web and technical issues with likeminded contemporaries. It’s where it’s at.