Nightmare on App Street
Having spent most of the afternoon planning a new project at work, and planning how the new project will integrate with our existing systems, I have continued to mull over the ideas all evening. The fact that we didn’t complete our planning meeting (when is this sort of thing ever complete?), means that we shall continue it tomorrow morning. Therefore, I shall continue to mull over the ideas all night.
At about 4 o’clock I will wake up actually believing that I am part of the web application. I’ll probably be a connector of some sort;- a liaison between data and presentation. Either that, or I’ll be an interface element or literally an item of data.
I’ll be aware that I’m awake, but will be totally convinced that I belong to a web application. In my confusion I’ll fall back to sleep.
This isn’t speculation, it’s a certainty. It’s a certainty because it’s happened like this since I was thirteen years old, and I dare say it’s not about to stop.
Either the code has me, or I have the code.