My Goodness, My Guinness, MySQL
That was all a bit alarming. If you didn’t catch my site in the last five hours or so, I just had me some database problems. It looks like the comments table in my MySQL database became corrupt (for no identifiable reason) and all my comments stopped working. Worse still the homepage was giving errors until I noticed and posted a message without comments enabled, which it managed to display.
Of course, I’d been meaning to take a backup of my database. It’s dead easy to do a mysqldump to export the entire database to a file, but had I? You bet I hadn’t. I have now though.
The cause is unknown, but the solution was easy:
repair table txp_Discuss
… and that was it. Fixed. Problems are much less stressful when the solution is easy. Good job MySQL people.
Related in as much as I know need to increase my alcohol intake, it would appear that Guinness is good for you. Hooray! I always knew it.