Firebird Favicons
I have my own site on my Firebird bookmarks bar. It’s not because I love reading my own words and revelling in them in some sort of perverse self-indulgent way, it’s just that the first two tabs I have open in Firebird are always my site and the admin pages of my site – simply because I used them so much. But I digress.
My site doesn’t have a favicon. I’d like one, but I’ve not got around to finishing one yet. It’s hard to draw an armadillo in 256 pixels. I’m not sure if it’s because of this or in spite of this, but the aforementioned bookmark on my ‘bar keeps taking on other sites’ icons. First off it managed to inherit’s green and black ‘K’. A reboot fixed the problem. Currently it’s displaying’s blue ‘PB’ logo. Reboots don’t help. I feel dirty.
Has anyone else seen this? In the name of science (and I promise this isn’t shameless self-promotion) bookmark my site in Firebird and place it on your bookmark bar. If you see any strange theft of other sites’ favicons, take a screenshot and mail it to me. I’ll compile a gallery. This is some weird bizniz goin’ on.