The IC-Style
According to Joe Clark I am a perpetrator or what he calls The International Compliant Style of site design. I’m not sure how to take that. I guess to be cited as an example means that I have executed my design style well. My site is in the IC-Style, not emulating it. That has to be good.
On the flip side, Joe is saying that my design is a mass-produced unoriginal. That said, simple, clean, easy-to-read and ‘less is more’ are hardly original concepts, so I’m pretty happy in my unoriginality. The vast majority of sites that try to be avant-garde (like the Flash examples Joe cites) fail to make good on their intentions and end up obscuring their content in the process. I know I don’t have the design skills to be able to pull off a really usable, visually stunning design and besides, that’s not what my site is about. That’s not what you’re here for.
So I guess I’m happy in my IC-Style. At least if I’m going to be part of this I’m going to do it well.